Light of the Prairies Day Program Renovation
Saskatoon SK, 2024
Light of the Prairies is a non-profit organization that seeks to better the lives of those with intellectual disabilities by raising the standard of support, building healthy relationships, and creating opportunities for them to invest in and be valued by society. This project saw a renovation to a portion of their existing day program facility that sough to maximize the efficiency of the floorplan while delivering more physically and cognitively accessible spaces and amenities. The area was converted from a long corridor with enclosed offices into a new entrance, locker area, washrooms and activity space complete with a coffee roasting area. Spaces were designed with clients in mind: lockers are multi coloured and textured for clients to be able to differentiate them, the washrooms were designed as a circuit for ease of wayfinding and movement and transparency between spaces allow day program users to observe activities while also maximizing daylight penetration.
Structural: BBK Engineering Ltd.
Mechanical: Daniels Wingerak Engineering Ltd.
Electrical: Loren Paley & Associates